WaterLegacy Ranked #1 Promising Start-Up Protecting Minnesota’s Environment

WaterLegacy, my client and a source of passion and inspiration, has just been chosen  Number One in the category of promising Minnesota environmental non-profit start-ups for our work protecting water quality from the risks of sulfide mining.

Philanthropedia, a national group working in partnership with local foundations to help donors give more strategically,  reviews and evaluates non-profits. They chose WaterLegacy #1 based on expert recommendations of promising start-up nonprofits working to protect Minnesota’s environment. Here’s the link to the Philanthropedia web page recognizing WaterLegacy: Philanthropedia WaterLegacy Page.

Who, might you ask is WaterLegacy?

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A friend once told me, when it is hard to believe that the things we hold dear (fresh water, healthy people, a sustainable natural environment) will be protected in years to come, each of us must just “do hope”. The belief will follow.

Thanks to the Philanthropedia folks for affirming that WaterLegacy is having an impact in preserving Minnesota’s environment.

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